What Conversation Am I Having With Myself?
It can be helpful to become more aware of your inner conversations to better understand your own thoughts and emotions. This allows you to assess their influence on your behavior, state of mind and well-being.
Effects of High Cortisol
Cortisol has been a huge topic in the past 10 years. We have heard so much about it and the impact it has on one’s quality of life, health and performance. A high level of cortisol impairs many aspects of performance, and consequently, a business may underperform simply because the corporate cortisol level is too…
The Way Out Is Through. Acknowledge Even Your Most Difficult Feelings.
What keeps us from acknowledging and processing our feelings–particularly the uncomfortable and painful ones? Especially during this time, when change and uncertainty are all around us, it is important to explore this idea and take a look at the feelings that challenge us. Over the many years I have been coaching, I have noticed a…
Finding Success Through Emotional Intelligence
How many times have you thought about what could be possible if you were a mind reader, knowing and anticipating how others might think, feel or respond? That’s a superpower we could all use. While you may not be endowed with this heroic ability, you can develop a skill set to increase your perception of…
4 Ways to Develop Personal Resilience
Resilience is something we develop and need to nurture on a regular basis. Take a few days and focus on one of the traits in this short list. Then do the same with another trait and so on. You can also use this list to inspire and write your own list. The intention is to…
5 Steps to Investing Your Energy More Wisely
So much has been written about how to have sustainable energy every day. It seems like we keep moving along and accept the low energy we have as the norm and don’t know how to increase it. Or everything we tried has not worked. How can you perform at your best, achieve what you want…